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Creep Version 1.1 (Major Update)
All maps have been improved upon, thanks to work done by RainingLampost Please check out his games, EnHanced and the demo for FriendShapes. EnHanced has great d...
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A stable version is available once again. I'm sorry if you played through the last version and saw a broken ending. Please let me know if you find any bugs so I...
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The last two versions I uploaded have a broken ending. I foolishly removed the original version that did work correctly when uploading the new ones, forgetting...
Part One(0.92)
Fixed a progression block and added more images...
2 files
Part One (0.9)
This is the first part of two. Some assets are still incomplete, but Part One is mostly done. Expect a few missing or placeholder assets, like chairs. I have to...
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